United Kingdom

Nobelle Wallace

Nobelle is the Women In Tune Youth UK Leader and the Communications, Publications and Administrative manager for Women In Tune.

She is the daughter of the Women In Tune CEO’s, Rev Cobby and Apostle Jennifer. Nobelle loves Jesus, loves the Word and loves prayer. She has a burden and passion for the youth and focuses a lot of intercession in that area. Nobelle believes that many of the issues seen in todays youth are symptoms to deeper root causes. She desires that young people would come to know the TRUTH that truly sets free.

Her burden for the youth is God-given and it has also been influenced by her background in Psychology of which she has a Bachelors degree and Masters degree in. Nobelle also Co-founded a Non-profit in 2015 known as SoulFull Café which brings Christian youth together to fellowship over food, music and poetry.

Nobelle personally felt called by God to serve Women In Tune full time in 2019, after working in the NHS for many years. The Lord confirmed her position in the ministry in diverse ways, until she fully settled in the role.

Nobelle has a professional skill-set in graphic design, publishing and events organising, with which she serves the ministry with.