Free To Serve – Curriculum

Section One: A Time for Change

This takes an in-depth look at the present state and condition of women, and deals with what hinders women, namely, prejudice, religion, culture, etc. This session establishes that there is a need for change, and that change must begin to take place immediately.

It is also an interactive time of ‘self-diagnosis’ and taking a critical look at what hinders us individually and corporately, as women, and what needs to change.

Section Two: Jesus and the Women of His Times

This is an evaluation of the revolutionary manner in which Jesus interacted with the women He encountered, e.g. Mary and Martha, the Adulterous Woman etc. It is an in-depth look at some of the cultural practices that worked against women in Jesus’ day, and an exiting and interesting discovery of how He dealt with them.

Jesus, indeed, came to set the captives free and demonstrated this by exposing and dealing with the cultural practices that hindered and worked against women.

Section Three: The Cage of Fear

Fear affects everyone. Fear operates on the same principles as faith, but in a reverse way. Fear’s grip and hold hinders us from achieving our God-given goals, purposes and dreams. To become effective vessels in God’s hand, women must learn to overpower and overcome fear and be delivered from it.

The biblically prescribed way to overcome fear is to encounter it with God’s love. Hence, this session explores God’s love for us, and how we can receive, abide and grow in it.

Section Four: The Truth about Submission

This topic tackles the issue of submission, as it impacts the lives of women everywhere. In dealing with submission people often go to an extreme, and either use it as a tool to imprison women or to encourage them to walk in rebellion.

This session examines the issue by taking an in-depth look at the biblical meaning of submission and God’s intended purpose for woman, in submission. The perfect example of submission is the one Christ set for us.

Section Five: The Redemption of Woman

What is redemption? How does it affect us? What are the implications of the redemption of Jesus Christ for us, as women? Indeed, the redemption of humanity by Jesus Christ is the only solution to the trans-cultural/religious dilemma of women. The redemptive work on the Cross more than satisfies the requirements for divine justice to pardon us.

Jesus paid the debt owed and ransomed us from the bondage and consequences of sin. Women no longer have to ‘pay’ for what Eve did, and women, in Christ, are free to become all that God destined for us to be. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Section Six: Free to Serve

Freedom in Christ is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. God’s reason for setting us free is to enable us to worship Him in intimate relationship, and to serve Him wholeheartedly. God requires worship and service from us because they are the primary purposes for our creation. This session focuses on the reason for our freedom – Worship and Service.

Worship through relationship with God – knowing Him and growing in Him. Service through discovering and fulfilling our purposes – reaching out to humanity (in whatever way and wherever God places us)