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Welcome To Women In Tune

Welcome to our website! We are pleased you have found your way here. We hope you will take time to browse through our various pages to find out more about who we are and what we do.

We are committed to helping believers grow in their walk with the Lord and service to Him. So do check out our various training resources and the work we are doing in the nations. You may be interested in our Youth ministry, so click on the WIT Youth link to find out more. We have also made available some free resources that you may download for your personal use.

Please feel free to contact us, if you are interested in finding out more or taking part in what we do.

God richly bless you!

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Knowing Jesus

The Good News About Jesus Christ


Subscribe to our Let The Truth Be Told channel on YouTube and join us Walk About Zion


Subscribe and Listen to the Let The Truth Be Told Podcast.


Read our inspirational posts on our blog.

Training The Trainer Programme

Recruit | Restore | Raise | Reignite | Release

Raising a Global Army

Raising a global network of Kingdom-minded women, who are on fire for God and, together with men, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Discipleship and Leadership Training

Teaching, training, discipling, mentoring and raising women as leaders in every sphere of life, and workers and labourers in the Kingdom of God.

Missions – Outreaches, Evangelism

Reaching out to the nations in love and power, to bring reformation, transformation, reformation through Jesus Christ.

Mobilising Prayer

Raising and training intercessors and mobilising prayer and intercession for the Church and the nations.

Raising The Next Generation

Raising a new generation of young women who are passionate about Jesus Christ, and who will be bold and courageous to reach others with the Gospel of His Kingdom.

Fulfilling the Great Commission

We have a prophetic mandate to arise up and impact the nations with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20)

Upcoming Events

Discovering Identity, Fulfilling Purpose Bible Study - Kenya

Weekly Saturday Prayer Meeting - Kenya

Women In Ministry Leadership Development Program - Kenya

Training The Trainer Programme (TTTP) Module 2

Possessing The Gates Of The Enemy Webinars

A Celebration of God's Grace

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